Windows Mobile 7 and Office Mobile 7 Ready to Present in 2010?m

Robbie Bach, president of entertainment and devices division of Microsoft, last week has given more specific details about the Office 2010 launch date. Office 2010 software will come with version 5 that can be purchased for the system of Windows, Office Web Apps for desktop and mobile browsers, and Office 2010 Starter for free attendance to the PC, and the latter is the Office Mobile 2010.

Office Mobile phone software by Microsoft in 2010 it will become Office Mobile 7, which will come just as the Windows Mobile 7 in the RTM version in 2010. Furthermore, Office Mobile 7 will support also with SharePoint Mobile, but not including Outlook Mobile. Previously, Microsoft Office Mobile first released September 2007 as part of Office 2007 (or Office Mobile 6.1), including Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, PowerPoint Mobile, OneNote Mobile, and Outlook Mobile.

Mobile Office software itself is a Microsoft Office for Windows Mobile devices is simple. However, before this Office Mobile, Microsoft has worked with Nokia to bring Office Communicator Mobile, Office Mobile, SharePoint Server, and System Center for Symbian.