Google Create Online Book Store

After the success of search engines, Google is now turning to business online bookstores, maybe a new competitor for sebaga Amazon. Company search engine giant is starting Thursday (15/10) and the Frankfurt Book Fair in the middle of last year said it will release Google's Editions, a new service that sold the book to anyone through a web browser.

By working together with publishers as digital copyright owners, Google plans to offer half a million books through the Google services Editions. Readers can also buy a book publisher offered directly from Google or online bookstore, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Meanwhile, in September congressional hearing last in the Google Books project, Google also will provide money to the competitors' share of the service. Google plans to to share sales by the publisher and online bookstore. For books that are sold directly from the Google website Editions, Google will give 63 percent of sales income and 37 percent for Google in the book fair. As for books sold on Amazon or other retailers, publishers will get 45 percent, while for the retailers get 55 percent of small dengn share for Google.

As for customers, can also read a book from Google's online bookstore Editions through PC devices, netbooks and smartphones, as well as Apple iPhone users can mengkases Google's e-book through your Gmail account. However, even so, according to Google's partnership strategy director, Tom Turvey, Google is essentially not going to offer e-book reader. Until now, Google has not commented further.