Windows 7 will increase PC sales?

Windows 7 operating system will soon digeber October 22 next. Many PC manufacturers are hoping the presence of Microsoft's latest operating system will be able to boost PC sales.

However, disclosed by Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer, that Windows 7 will only be little impact on PC sales.

"There will be turmoil in the PC business increased, but probably will not be too great," Ballmer said in a press conference in Munich, as quoted by Reuters on Thursday (8/10/2009).

If the PC manufacturers expecting Windows 7 and put great expectations on this operating system, seems not so with a number of companies.

This was revealed from a survey ScriptLogic involving more than 1,000 companies. Revealed that 6 out of 10 companies claim will not adopt the operating system, either by saving reasons and compatibility with their system.

(Faw / Faw)