Rumah Gadang Minangkabau

Traditional house of Minangkabau is called "Rumah Gadang". It means big house or "rumah adat", customary house. It is called Rumah Gadang is not because of it's big size. But it refers to the big function of the house itself. Rumah Gadang in Minangkabau belongs to all members of relatives along the mother's line called "Kaum".

The function of this house is for all togather at happy and sorrow time, discussing and making decision for any problem in the "Kaum". 'Rumah Adat' also refers to its function as the place for all "adat" (custom and tradition) ceremonies look wedding party or inauguration of a head of clan.

The Original "adat" house is made of wood and bamboo for the back wall. The roof is made of palm vibe. It is about 12 to 20 metres long and 6-8 metres wide and the position of the floor is 2-2,5 metre above the ground.