teknisi mayantara history

Burying Mayantara technicians are part of the Civitas advocacy SMK Negeri 9 Malang is located in the region Cemorokandang. Topography which is located on a hill Burying a location of SMK Negeri 9 Malang is very strategic to be the point of base stations Wireless networks, Burying itself in the region there are 3 BTS GSM / CDMA operation, the area was chosen with consideration of area coverage that reaches the entire region of Malang city, Stone, and Kab. Poor.

Seeing the opportunity, in the year 2007 the hill areas where there has not Burying-tower BTS tower. SMK Negeri 9 Malang has pioneered the wireless Internet network connecting the 2.4 GHz to school with the UPT-Center on the campus of Brawijaya, where the distance two points to reach 10 miles Line of Sight. To make the program does not require connection reapeater, simply by using the antenna Grid Point to Point.

Starting from the facility that, and then a cooperative program with Malang Joint Campus (MJC) in the next year, SMK Negeri 9 Malang directoional install omni antenna for transmitting Internet network that was originally set aside for students TKJ MJC.

Through further discussion with BPKLN Head at that time, Mr. Gatot HP, add a JARDIKNAS of SMK Negeri 9 Malang with 1:1 bandwidth of 512Kbps flat. For us, with the JARDIKNAS point is that government assistance could immeasurably we enjoyed in school over the border city of Malang. So, in order to use this network could be beneficial to all parties, especially communities of SMK Negeri 9 Malang and with the permission of Mr. Gatot HP, internet network SMK Negeri 9 Malang beginning we have built educational content (web Miror one PSMK) and many more others and we offer to the community around the school.

By realizing base vocation school, we invite students majoring TKJ to get involved in the management, the program was established Computer and Network Services Mayantara (C-NEMA) SMK Negeri 9 Malang. NEMA C-kepanjanganya own in accordance with, the scope of work initially only wireless network backup SMK Negeri 9 Malang, also receive services Web site creation, assembly and servicing of PCs, And LAN network procurement and internet-based wireless and cable (ADSL) for institutions and private need.