Social Networking Google

Most of us may never be separated from Social Networking application. Call it a successful facebook admiration of millions of people in the world. At the same time we also never missed just Google.Dari search engine that has evolved into a machine on the Internet with various features. But what if Google was in the end have a Social Networking application. Will google really rule the web-based applications with advanced interactivity between the application?

Not long ago there was an echo Google's developed Wave, was launched today from KabarIT, Google is developing a Social Networking application in iGoogle integrated,

Such a web application has indirectly represent plus Facebook and Twitter plus Google's wealth of applications with the advantages of integration with the other one of course. Application status updates, chat and send any comments available.

If you are a Gmail user, never misses from Google, and hobby use Goggle maps, docs, Blogger, Adsense and so on. Social Networking iGoogle as possible will make you fall in love and leave Facebook and Twitter slowly.