Onno W. Purbo People Digital Community

Onno W. Purbo get Indigo Digital Award for a Community Fellow at Telkom Indonesia held. Onno penghrgaan deserve it, because the contribution of IT Onno in the world is no doubt in building IT community in Indonesia.

Indigo Fellow award in 2009 is given TELKOM-Group, in cooperation with the Warta Ekonomi magazine, the character creator, business leaders, support leaders, and prominent academics who could be an example in developing the digital creative industry in Indonesia. The purpose of this award is to increase public awareness of creativity in the digital creative industry in Indonesia and also provide the stimulus to the public about the creativity and achievements in the digital creative industry in Indonesia. The program is expected to be one benchmark for the growing spirit of entrepreneurship and creativity to shape the digital creative industry with a reliable.

Several other leaders received an award from telecom yaknih; Save Dwi Nuryanto who was awarded the DEA Inventor Digital, Ardian Elkana who awarded Digitalpreneur, Ir. Cahyana Ahmadjayadi, who won MH Digital Promoter, Prof.. Dr.Ir. H Supangkat reached Suhono Digital Academic and Kendro Hendra who reached Achievement in Digital Technology.