Taiwan Develops Mobile Charger from Hydrogen

Taiwanese researchers now are developing a mobile phone charger with the energy of hydrogen, Friday (02/10). The development of devices made from hydrogen charge in the framework of Taiwan to be a major player environmentally friendly technologies. These devices can charge the phone battery in 2 hours without being plugged. These comments were made by researchers from the Industrial Technology Research Institute, the city of Hsinchu, northern Taiwan.

"Hydrogen is a recyclable material. Hydrogen in theory does not pollute the environment. Device charger hidorgen fabric will be more energy efficient and help protect the environment. We will continue this research. We also hope that these devices can be made from hodrogen replace phone recharge system in the next 2012 years. "Tsau said Fanghei, researcher at the Institute.

Meanwhile, according to Yeh Hui-ching, director of economic ministries Bureau of Energy, the charger will be a future generation of Taiwan.