Apple Products Made With Green Materials

Recently praised Apple Inc. dar two environmental advocacy groups. ChemSec and Clean Production Action mengkalaim that Apple no longer uses bromine and chlorine compounds in its products.

KabarIT launched from Electronista, Apple products like iPod and iPhone largely been free of PVC and BFRs (brominated flame retardants). Apple implement innovative programs that limit the use of almost all the bromine and chlorine compounds in all their product lines.

In his report, the agency reported that 7 companies considered implementing environmentally friendly programs, and from the seven companies that Apple just came from a computer company. Another company that is where the Sony Ericsson cell phone in making use of PVC will leave from the end of 2009 and 99% products to be free from the BRF. While Seagate has left the use of chlorine and bromine in the hardisknya production. Login