5 Food Sharpen Sight

Eyes healthy and beautiful love if it should be blocked by the sunglasses. Eye disease that has visibility keterbatasn quite disturbing. The use of contact lenses were not always good. What should be consumed to help the vision more clearly?

You may be one of those with disorders of the eye. Must use the tool if you want to see long distances. We have also had some kids who use glasses to see. Not only because of age, people megngunakan glasses but also because the eye's retina that no longer capture images properly.

Damage to the eyes due to aging usually called by AMD or Age-Related Macular Degenariton, or decreased ability to see. AMD began to occur when the macula is damaged retina, causing "blind spots". That grew larger and cause you to experience disruption in reading, even when driving a vehicle seen. And AMD is one cause of blindness in people aged 60 years and above.

AMD did not close the possibility of attacking them in ages far younger. However, the development of AMD can be prevented or at least slowed by consuming nutrient-rich foods and nutritious. Here are some types of foods should be consumed to keep your eyes protected from the stricken AMD:

1. Expand Antioxidants
We have more and more foods that contain antioxidants are always promoted. Antioxidants are very good for the body, in addition to preventing the occurrence of cancer, it also antioxidants can slow the growth rate of AMD. Some foods that contain high vitamin C bleak kiwi fruit, oranges and broccoli, vitamin E dalamminyak vegetable, beans, and avocado, and lutein and zeaxanthin, nutrients are abundant in dark green vegetables, like spinach. Lutein and zeaxanthin may also act as natural shades, helping to form the macular pigment that filters most harmful sun rays.

2. Egg Consumption
Egg yolk is also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, but many people avoid eggs for fear of cholesterol affected. The study led by Thomas Wilson, Ph.D., associate professor with the Center for Health and Disease Research at the University of Massachusetts-Lowell, shows when people eat eggs regularly, as many as two consecutive days significantly increased levels of lutein and zeaxanthin in circulation in their bodies without increasing LDL ( "bad") cholesterol levels. Unless you do have problems with cholesterol levels since the beginning.

3. Choosing foods carefully
Recently, a study emlibatkan more than 88,000 participants membukatikan if megnandung fish consume omega-3 fatty acids bleak salmon, sardines, mackarel, herring, and the jug was atrout AMD's growth rate slows daripda those who do not consume. Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish merupakakan key component of nerve cells the eye, as described by Elaine Chong, Ph.D. a researcher at the Center for Eye Research at the University of Melbourne, Australia. So committed to eating more fatty fish, and do not stop there: shellfish, like mussels and crabs are also quite able to help prevent the development of AMD.

4. Supplements
If you already consume foods that contain nutrients, supplementary feeding was still necessary. Nutrients contained in supplements can help reduce the risk of AMD significantly. If you have a tendency to be affected by AMD try supplements eyes follow the following formula. Formula supplements currently being investigated in primary research experiments included 10 mg of lutein (equivalent to approximately 3 cups of spinach), 2 milligrams of zeaxanthin and a total of 1 gram of EPA and DHA (about what you get in a 3-ounce servings of salmon). Until further research in, there is no advantage above that amount. Remember to take only under medical supervision, even though supplements are available on the table, high doses of any nutrient should always be approached with caution.

5. Always Maintain Blood Pressure and Weight Loss
People who have blood pressure Cleaner has a tendency to get bigger AMD, according to the Amercan Academy of Ophthalmology. people with high blood pressure can impede blood flow to the eye, making it difficult for nutrients to reach the retina of the eye. Body fat is a central repository for nutrients are fat soluble, and excess fat tissue may act as protective nutrients eyes, making them less available in the macula.

Well, waiting for? Keep your eye health from now and five kinds of food consumption was for a beautiful and healthy eyes early!

(Eka / Odi)