Can Listen Live Songs from Google Search

A new music features has been issued by Google Inc.. Wednesday (28/10), which will bring searcher from the U.S., with just one click can listen to full songs. A simple design of Google Search with 4 track to the top of search results. Once the song is clicked, the songs will be played in a pop-up player from MySpace or Lala. The search results are also equipped with the album and links to music sites like Pandora, imeem, and Rhapsody.

Internet users can search by artist, album, or song titles, and even access to a song by typing in the lyrics. Appear also other results, such as the home page of the artist and fan sites, is also Google Inc. while reducing. call the so-called 'search time', which in this case how many clicks does it take to listen to a song.

Meanwhile, according to Google, for music recording companies have to support Google's efforts to put the legitimacy of the source music, before this feature was made.