The phone market Showing Signs of Recovery

IDC's market research says that the mobile markets around the world showed some growth in the third quarter. And there is no future better.

Ramon Llamas, IDC senior research analyst, said: "During the third quarter we saw a number of channels that promote older devices at lower prices significantly. For many people, this is enough to stimulate demand and push the volume higher. "

He said: "The mobile market is showing early signs of improvement since the beginning of the economic crisis. Now that we moved into the fourth quarter, the vendor set further advantage with the launch of their main tool to meet the growing demand ".

From year to year growth is still negative, with delivery fell six percent from a year ago, but until it reached 5.6 percent compared with last calendar quarter. Shipping total 287.1 million units in the third quarter.

Nokia remains on top in terms of volume and the stock market, followed by Samsung. Nokia Growth, however, fell eight per cent year on year, while Samsung grew by 15.9 percent. The following table describes the units in millions, with no OEM sales.