Filariasis is transmitted disease (Elephant Leg Disease) caused by Filaria worms that are transmitted by various species of mosquitoes. This disease is chronic (chronic) and if not receiving treatment can cause permanent disability in the form of enlargement of legs, arms and genitals both women and men. As a result patients can not work optimally even his life depended on to others so that the burden memnjadi families, communities and countries.Foot disease in Indonesia is widespread elephant in almost all provinces. Based on survey reports in 2000 and recorded as many as 1553 villages in 647 health centers scattered in 26 Province 231 District as endemic locations, with 6233 the number of chronic cases. The results of the laboratory survey, the finger blood tests, Mikrofilaria average rate (Mf rate) 3.1%, meaning about 6 million people already infected with filaria worms, and approximately 100 million people have a high risk to become infected because of widespread penularnya mosquitoes. To eradicate this disease once and for all

WHO has set a global agreement (the Global Goal of Elimination of Lymphatic filariasis as a Public Health problem by the Year 2020 (. Elimination program undertaken by eg treatment with DEC and Albendazol once a year for 5 years of endemic location and good treatment of clinical cases of acute or chronic to prevent disability and reduce the sufferer. Indonesia will execute the disease elephantiasis elimination in stages starting in 2002 in 5 pilot districts. The expansion area will be held every year. The cause of the disease elephantiasis are three species of filarial worms; Wucheria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and Brugia timori. Vector transmission: In Indonesia today there are 23 known species of mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles, Culex, Mansonia, Aedes & Armigeres which can act as a transmission vector of disease elephantiasis.
Modes of Transmission:
One can catch the disease or infected with elephantiasis, if the person is bitten by infective mosquitoes that contain the mosquito larvae stage III (L3). Mosquitoes are a small filarial worms (mikrofilaria) when the blood sucking people or animals containing microfilaria reservoir containing the microfilaria. Cycle of disease transmission kaiki this elephant in two stages, namely the development of mosquito (vector) and the second stage of development in the human body (host) and reservoair.
Acute clinical symptoms is a form of Filariais; Fever repeatedly during the 3? 5 days, fever may be lost if the break and came back after working hard; swollen lymph nodes (with no injuries) groin area, ketiap (lymphadenitis), which appear red, hot and sore; inflammation of lymph node channels the hot and sick that extends from the base of the foot or base of the arm towards the end (retrograde lymphangitis); filarial abscesses often suffer from swollen lymph nodes, may rupture and ooze pus and blood; enlarged legs, arms, breasts, testicles are looking a little flushed and feels hot (early lymphodema). Chronic clinical Gejal; a permanent enlargement (elephantiasis) in the legs, arms, breasts, testicles (skroti elephantiasis).

Filariasis can be enforced in Clinical; that is, if someone suspects filariasis in the signs and symptoms of acute or chronic; with finger blood tests done beginning at 20:00 local time that night, someone declared the filariasis patients, when the dosage was found mikrofilaria thick blood. Prevention; is to try to avoid mosquito bites vector (reducing contacts with the vector) for example by using mosquito nets while sleeping bull will, shut the house ventilation with mosquito netting, use insect repellent mosquito repellent spray or baker, lubricate the skin with anti-mosquito drugs, or by way of eradicating mosquitoes; with clean water plants in the marsh, which is a brood of mosquitoes, stockpiling, drying or stream water as a brood of mosquitoes, cleaning the bushes around the house.

massively didaeah endemic done by using drugs Carbamazine Diethyl Citrate (DEC) combined with Albenzol once a year for 5? 10 years, to prevent side reactions such as fever, given Paracetamol; dose of medication for a drink is, DEC 6 mg / kg / body weight, Albenzol 400 mg albenzol (1 tablet); treatment is stopped eg when Mf rate had reached <1%;>