Russell Brand Can't Wait To Become A Dad

The Brit comedian and actor, who is married to Katy Perry revealed that he would love his next role to be that of a dad.

Talking to OK! Russell said: "I love children. I think when I am among children is when I feel most liberated. I go nuts with children. Especially when I don't have any. When I'm around my mates' children, I jazz them kids up, I swear at them, I get them all worked up, I say crazy stuff to them. I fill their heads with nonsense and then leave them."

He added: "I am very much looking forward to being a dad. Who knows when? Soon I hope."

Katy recently claimed that she and Russell are "perfect" for each other.

"Russell's brilliant and he makes me laugh like no-one else. We are each other's perfect match."

We can't wait! Krusty's kids will be super cute!