Michelle Trachtenberg of Gossip Girl and The Twilight Issue

Probably, Bella Swan of The Twilight Saga is not different from those other movie young stars, right? It is because recently, Michelle Trachtenberg of Gossip Girl announced that she is one of the blockbuster film's prospect to play the role of the woman who recently suffered from a tremendous situation of the vampires and werewolves. However, a complete evidence is missing to probe that she might be the successful actress who can play the character of missis Cullen but according to her interview, she was totally qualified for that position too.

Michelle Trachtenberg of Gossip Girl and The Twilight Issue

According to our source, Michelle isn't new for it because she was an original star of Buffy before. Reports also noted that it is possible for her to look like Bella (Kristen Stewart) to make a tandem with Edward (Robert Pattinson). For now, nobody can tell about the other related issue coupled to this revelation in front and back of a camera. Catherine Hardwicke, the director of The Twilight might knows too much about it and we are still waiting for any comments from the well-known personality of the film.

Aside from Stephanie Moyer, the original writer of the book where the story of Bella and Edward has been brought out to life by the film, crews and staff of the movie might have a certain goal why they choose Kristen rather than Michelle. Furthermore, she play the role of Michelle's younger sister way back in her time on "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" which is quite difficult to compare to the story of Twilight.

For more, join us once again as we continue to follow the appearances of Michelle for another set of interview from other television sitcom just to resolve this issue that really captured our attention recently.