WGCG: South Africa Golfers for Nigeria’s Final

Nigerian amateur golfers exploit at the World Corporate Golf Challenge is yielding some business interest for the country, as franchise holders for the event announced that there has been call form South Africa top businessmen to be part of Nigeria’s March 25th national finals in Ibom.

According to Obinna Duru, “This I think is where golf has now brought its influence on bear on the Nigerian economy and we are proud to be gateway to this development” He added that there has been continual enquiry about the schedule of the WCGC in Nigeria and many business organization in South Africa are now seeking to partner since the date was unveiled to use the event to meet some key golf businessmen in the country.

“The list of the business group wanting to meet Nigerian businessmen at the national final is growing and they have been asking us to enter them for our national final. We are working out details now with a lot of South African groups in Nigeria and the embassy here.

The event would be taking a new dimension this year and we are getting signals that more countries may follow suit in coming editions” The organizers are now working at having a business to business exhibition and meeting along with the national finals of the World Corporate Golf Challenge. He said enquiries has been from real estate professionals to oil and gas and “the list keep growing” Nigeria’s Treko Oil and Gas placed 5th at the World finals of the Championship last year and was represented by Tim Ayomike, Olaitam Muyideen, Remi Olukoya and Chris Obije and the organizers say that the representatives not only show golfing prowess but also have high tendencies for forming business ties with corporate representatives from close to thirty other nations including Europe, America, Asia apart from South Africa (the only African country outside of Nigeria at the event) “We believe that golf hold more than recreational benefits, it has a great business value too and it is an edge that business community in Nigeria has not tapped. We are working to get the best of it for all competitors”.

The 2011 national finals is scheduled for Le Meridien Golf Hotel and Resort in Uyo, Akwa-Ibom from March 25 to 28