Activity of Mount Bromo indonesia

Mount Bromo activity slowly started to show a decline. Judging from some signs that ditunjukannya, Mount Bromo will likely demoted from the status of a standby alert. This was expressed directly by the Head of Geological Hazard Mitigation PVMBG Suantika Gede.

"If there is no volcanic earthquakes and seismic tremor maximum of 1 millimeter, then the status could be downgraded to level three, namely Standby," Gede said as quoted by

Gede also add one of the signs decrease the activity of Mount Bromo is a change in color of the smoke released into the white of Mount Bromo. These are the traits that the pressure energy from the bowels of Mount Bromo begins to diminish. Besides measuring the level of deformation that he conducted on the mountain also showed decreasing activity.

Although optimistic about the decline in the status of Mount Bromo, Gede Suantika still advise people to stay alert. Gede adding that he now only report the latest data alone but the decision is only entitled to impairment status was decided by PVMBG Bandung.