Court Ordered Lindsay Lohan to Jail Again!

It's not a second time around for Lindsay Lohan to experience the life behind of bars although her previous case doesn't make her stay for a long time. Now, Elden Fox of Beverly Hills trial court ordered the actress to return in jail due to her violation. And guess what, it's all because of probations that she need to attained while authorities keeping up their time with her after of her previous case.

Lindsay Lohan New Court Order Report

However, Lindsay Lohan camp asked for another chance but somehow, the court is hard enough to earned the attention of the other side. Her mother and other close folks support the 24-years old offender asking for another bail but they cannot find that in any place of court. She has been ordered to return in jail this Friday and if you ask for why, it's because she missed a drug treatment stuff.

Check some more soon after this break as we make a further rounds for the latest updates coupling the court order for LiLo.