Oval Office Speech of Obama Has Been Criticized!

It is not uncommon for political leaders to be criticized just like what happened to Pres. Barrack Obama's oval office address recently from where he earned a few negative and bunch of positive comments from the other side of the government aspiring individual. According to reports, he's on the good timing for his speech from where he tried to show some patriotism centered in the life of American people in times of war as well how he will going to satisfy them in their needs within and out of the country.

There are few speculations that he made a few tribute to the former president George W. Bush, giving him a lot of credit on his statement but there are some additional meaning which is quite hard to accept or understand by a simple citizen living in the harmony of the community.

Brandon Spikes Controversy Could Lead to His Suspension

You may start to wonder what's with Brandon Spikes now, a controversy which now reach to the attention of NFL governing body because of Personal Conduct Policy rule which he probably cross few days ago because of a controversial video tape of him that already rounds on the Internet. According to Boston Globe, they are confident enough to identify that the man in that clips was the LB rookie and Patriots star.

Brandon Spikes Controversial Video Tape Report

However, further investigation was still ongoing to confirmed the mess from where Spikes involved with. This could lead to his suspension and probably affect his career in football. He might not aware of this video tape for now but the moment they find it out, he will probably face a serious sanctions because of his offense from the rule book of morality in sports.

Troy Polamalu's $1-Million Cost of Hair Insurance

At first, we doesn't consider that this news is a serious one because you might going to wonder why Troy Polamalu need to preserve his hair and even insured it for about $1-million. Until we heard that "Head and Shoulder" able to bring up an issue from Procter and Gamble new insurance policy and probably just for the man. Although he never tried to cut it for almost 10-years it's because, he would like to bring tributes to his ancestors, the Samoan.

Troy Polamalu Hair Insurance Photo

However, Polamalu is not the first star player to acquire an insurance for their body parts, the legs of Critanio Ronaldo as well David Beckham play a similar thing with him although it is pretty hard to imagine why he need to do that. Will the product endorser could revive his hair if someone will gonna cut it like Samson?

Running Back Mark Ingram Arthroscopic Surgery

The first Alabama's football opening game for this season will be missed by Mark Ingram due to his knee injury which need to undergone an arthroscopic surgery according to reports. Sad to say, the man is one of the teams Heisman Trophy award sweeper but currently under a medical observation. Nick Saban, his team coach, recently stated that he need to take a rest for now and overcome the problem face by his left leg.

Mark Ingram Arthroscopic Surgery Report

Suppose to be, they are about to face San Jose State but their practice cause him to lost the season opening for now. However, Ingram's squad members are looking forward on his fast recovery for the next match and could retain his good standing as an award winning athlete.

Cast of Dancing With the Stars Season 11

The new season of Dancing With the Stars is about to kick-off this coming September 20 and recently they recently revealed their upcoming dancing cast which can view on the following list below. There might be some certain changes in regards with the number of participants as the complete pairing will be announced soon by ABC. It has been officially announced before of Bachelor Pad according to People few moments ago.

Here are the list of participants you can expect to arrive in the show later:

  • David Hasselhoff
  • Michael Sorrentino
  • Kurt Warner
  • Bristol Palin
  • Michael Bolton
  • Jennifer Grey
  • Brooke Burke
  • Tom Bergeron
  • Florence Henderson
  • Audrina Patridge
  • Rick Fox
  • Brandy
  • Margaret Cho
  • Kyle Massey
You can check some more soon for DWTS as the show started to be aired on the above mention date.

Edgar Valdez Villareal Was Reportedly Caught in Mexico

After of few months of search and investigation operation, Edgar Valdez Villareal or known as "La Barbie" was recently caught as noted by the local authority based on Mexico. According to report, he is one of the most-wanted criminal and currently on the list of highly prized person marked for his arrest. He was the head of Beltran Leyva Cartel with $2-million pot money from the United States authorities.

Furthermore, he is a notorious leader in drug trafficking in Acapulco resort and he is indicted for huge amount of cocaine transported to eastern part of the U.S. noted since the year 2004 up to 2006. However, the man was born in Texas and currently on his mid-30's and will probably face a multiple count of serious case which will let him serve his time in prison for the rest of his life.

Paris Hilton Was Arrested Due to Possession of Cocaine

Last Friday, Paris Hilton was arrested due primarily of cocaine possession but another allegedly related controlled drug was reportedly discovered from the purse of the actress. According to report, authorities found a broken tablet of albuterol along with marijuana wrappers. Although it is a well known additives of bronchospasm medicine and other pulmonary illness.

Paris Hilton Arrest Due to Cocaine Issue

Hilton's car has been pulled by police due to an unusual odor of her Cadillac Escalade window. However, the woman tried to asked for a bathroom as they have been pulled for further inspection. The person who attended the situation noticed a small packaging from where he immediately suspects a cocaine stuff.


Biometrics comprises methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. In computer science, in particular, biometrics is used as a form of identity access management and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under surveillance.
Biometric characteristics can be divided in two main classes:

  • Physiological are related to the shape of the body. Examples include, but are not limited to fingerprint, face recognition, DNA, Palm print, hand geometry, iris recognition, which has largely replaced retina, and odor/scent.
  • Behavioral are related to the behavior of a person. Examples include, but are not limited to typing rhythm, gait, and voice. Some researchers have coined the term behaviometrics for this class of biometrics.
  • Strictly speaking, voice is also a physiological trait because every person has a different vocal tract, but voice recognition is mainly based on the study of the way a person speaks, commonly classified as behavioral.

    Eric Johnson biography

    Eric Johnson biography
    Eric Johnson (born August 17, 1954) is an American guitarist and recording artist from Austin, Texas. Though he is best known for his success in the instrumental rock format, Johnson regularly incorporates jazz, fusion, New Age, gospel and country and western music into his recordings. Johnson also composes and plays vocal pieces, and is an accomplished pianist.

    Guitar Player magazine has called Johnson "one of the most respected guitarists on the planet". Johnson's stylistic diversity and technical proficiency with the guitar have been praised by Carlos Santana, Eric Clapton, Allan Holdsworth, Larry Carlton, Steve Morse, Billy Gibbons, Johnny Winter, Jeff Baxter, B. B. King, Joe Satriani and Stevie Ray Vaughan.[citation needed] His critically-acclaimed, platinum-selling 1990 recording Ah Via Musicom produced the single "Cliffs of Dover", for which Johnson won the 1991 Grammy Award for Best Rock Instrumental Performance.

    Nirvana biography captures the heyday of the grunge era

    "Nirvana" the book is a lot like Nirvana the band: fascinating, troubling, with long stretches of darkness and tedium, and flashes of brilliance that make it all worthwhile.

    "Nirvana: the Biography" (DaCapo, $19.95), published today — the 13th anniversary of Kurt Cobain's suicide — is an inside account by Everett True, the British rock journalist who performed with Nirvana onstage many times, introduced Cobain to future bride Courtney Love and is "Uncle Everett" to Frances Bean Cobain, their daughter, now 14.

    True formerly took credit for coining the word "grunge" to describe the explosion of punk-rock that came out of the Northwest in the late 1980s and early '90s, but he admits in the book that Lester Bangs, the late rock critic, should get credit for applying it to punk. True confesses to first using the word as a writer for New Musical Express, or NME, the British rock weekly for which he wrote under the name The Legend! (his real name is Jerry Thackray; he adopted his current nom de plume when he went from NME to its rival, Melody Maker). Still, the book's cover touts True as "the man who invented grunge." True first came to Seattle in 1989, shortly after joining Melody Maker. SubPop, the local record label that was the first home to grunge, paid for the trip. And, while journalistically questionable at best, and outright unethical at worst, it was a wise investment, eventually making SubPop's owners millionaires.

    But True was more interested in Olympia than Seattle, and the overarching theme of the book is that laidback Olympia was the true source of grunge. It all started to go wrong, according to True, when grunge — essentially Northwest because of its wild, crazy edge, going back to the Sonics, the Wailers and the Kingsmen in the '50s, and its heavy beat — migrated to the big city of Seattle.

    full post

    Innovative Strategies in Biomedical Research

     Innovative Strategies in Biomedical Research
    The PhD Programme in “Innovative Strategies in Biomedical Research” is characterized by a significant multisciplinary connotation, where the experimental approach focusing on cellular and subcellular mechanisms combines with the physiological and physiopathological analysis of the organism as a whole, and is also relevant to medical issues. A special emphasis will be placed on molecular biology both in its basic approach and in its clinical application approach.
    The Programme consists in the following curricula:
    - System Physiology. Experimental and Clinical
    - Physiological Genomics and Molecular Medicine

    full post

    Celebrities: Has Robert Pattinson Derailed Zac Efron's Career?

    Celebrities: Has Robert Pattinson Derailed Zac Efron's Career?
    With Zac Efron's latest film, the romance 'Charlie St. Cloud,' now an official box office disaster, everyone is asking what happened to the 'High School Musical' golden goose. The answer, two words: Robert Pattinson.

    "Robert is the new King of all the screaming girls at this moment and they have forgotten Zac. You only need to look at this years MTV Movie Awards, when Zac entered the girls were excited but when Robert walked in the place went nuts," relationship expert Matt Titus tells me. "Twilight has changed everything and Robert Pattison gets it. He says nothing, and acts mysteriously. This is what teenage girls really want right now."

    full post

    healthy: Women's Health and Cancer

    Smoking habits are not the monopoly of men. Now more and more women are smoking. Though their bodies are not as strong as men in dealing with toxic smoke.
    One study showed that women smokers are more susceptible to cancer than men. Age of women affected by lung cancer due to smoking younger than the opposite sex. Even though fewer women smoke.

    The study also proves that women are more vulnerable to chemicals trigger cancer, or carcinogen, is found in cigarettes.
    The study was based on data of 683 cancer patients treated at a clinic in Switzerland between 2000 and 2005. From there it was found that women smokers have a tendency statistical adencocarcinoma affected, the general form of lung cancer. Age they were younger when diagnosed with cancer.
    "Our findings indicate that women who smoke are much more susceptible to carcinogens than tobacco," said Dr Martin Frueh, chairman of the research team from Canton St. Gallen, Switzerland.
    The results were presented at the Multidisciplinary Cancer Conference of the European Thorax held in Lugano, Switzerland, last weekend.
    "In the early 1900s, lung cancer rarely occurs in women. But since the 1960s is the number of female lung cancer rose rapidly. Even in the United States this cancer has become one killer among women, "beber conference committee chairman Dr. Enriqueta Felip.
    "We have not only lung cancer, a disease of men. But women are also vulnerable to other cancers such as breast cancer, "added Felip.
    The latest findings confirm several previous studies that revealed that women's higher risk of getting cancer than men. Even the U.S. researchers found that such women have a gene that triggers the growth of lung cancer.
    But Henry Scowcroft of Cancer Research UK Board asked to be careful that respond to the findings. "The researchers looked only at patients who are exposed to one type of cancer and did not see the biological differences in lung cancer in women and men," Scowcroft said. dm / kis

    automotive: Tire tags reveal driver whereabouts

    automotive: Tire tags reveal driver whereabouts
    Researchers from Rutgers University and University of South Carolina have found that wireless communications between new cars and their tires can be intercepted or even forged.

    While the potential for misuse may be minimal, this vulnerability points to a troubling lack of rigor with secure software development for new automobiles, said Wenyuan Xu, a computer science assistant professor at the University of South Carolina, who was a co-lead on the study.

    "If no one mentions [such flaws], then they won't bother with security," Xu said.

    The researchers will present their findings at the Usenix Security Symposium, being held this week in Washington D.C.
    full post

    Scholarships informations: UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School Scholarship

    Scholarships informations: UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School Scholarship
    University College Dublin Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School is delighted to offer prospective students the opportunity to apply for a range of scholarships for the academic year 2009/2010.
    To apply for the scholarship, applicants must submit an essay (300 words) on why you believe you should receive the scholarship. The closing date for submissions is May 15th 2009.

    Candidates must apply for their preferred programme before submitting an application for a scholarship and must meet all of the admissions criteria prior to commencement. Candidates must also be prepared to interview.
    full post

    News: Alleged RBS WorldPay hacker extradited to US

    News: Alleged RBS WorldPay hacker extradited to US
    One of the alleged masterminds of a 2008 precision strike on payment processor RBS WorldPay has been extradited from Estonia to face U.S. justice.
    Sergei Tsurikov, 26, of Tallinn, Estonia, was arraigned Friday in federal court in Atlanta. He faces a variety of hacking and fraud charges connected to one of the most successful computer crimes ever.

    Prosecutors say that Tsurikov was one of the leaders of a gang that managed to hack into the RBS WorldPay network, and then clone payroll debit cards -- used by employees to withdraw their salaries from debit and ATM machines on payday. They distributed the cards to a worldwide network of cashiers, who were instructed to withdraw money within a 12-hour window. Hitting 2,100 ATMs, they took in $9.4 million, prosecutors say.

    Noble speech from Nongkojajar Indonesia

    A researcher from the ILO (International Labour Organization), United Nations, Nichoulas Pitet, got struck by the farming community in the Village Wonosari horticulture, said Nongkojajar District, Pasuruan regency. For him, the local community is very skillful in utilizing the village land into agro-tourism center.

    Indeed, not wrong if we choose to come to Nongkojajar, to pamper the eyes with its natural beauty. Regions around the slopes of the Tengger, located on the plains with an altitude of more than 1000 meters above sea level (masl).
    These geographical conditions provide another benefit for the local population. Opportunities cultivation of different horticultural crops and cash cow milk production undoubtedly be the mainstay. In addition, the natural beauty offered was very beautiful and should not be missed.
    In Nongkojajar itself there are two kinds of commodities mainstay in the horticultural sector, namely apple and chrysanthemum flowers. On the other side of the local people also worked as managing cash cow milk, and rice field location Nongkojajar located in the highlands is very suitable for use as crop type of vegetables.
    Commodity Mainstay Wonosari Village, said Nongkojajar District, Pasuruan Regency, it is very suitable for planting two crops, such as chrysanthemums and apples. Because for two types of cultivation is very relevant when positioned at an altitude of about 700-1200 masl.

    Seeing the strategic geographical position and the opportunities open it, the average local people clearing land for oil palm plantations, rice fields. As recognized M. Sholikan, 44 years, ever since the 1988's he developed the land into orchard garapannya, and most of the land for garden chrysanthemums.
    Talk chrysanthemum flower, never any information will need to have a biological interest chrysanthemum was met only about 40 percent by local businessman, and the rest are still looking for supplies from outside the area. Means that efforts are still open chrysanthemum flower business in East Java. Moreover the chrysanthemum flower farmers association succeeded in supplying the needs of the local villages of this interest, as far as Bali and West Nusa Tenggara.
    Nothing wrong when you see it, in the Village Wonosari more marked some plastic house, which is used to plant various types of interest arising from the Netherlands this. Even in recent years at least there are about a dozen more local people who berbudidaya chrysanthemum flowers.
    However, this new reality does not release some of the local village farmers for all switch on chrysanthemum. Some of them are also still continuing to develop the cultivation of apples, which have become mainstays in the area.
    For this type of chrysanthemum flower found in Nongkojajar very diverse. Like Van Langen Vallen, Fiji, Fiji White, Yellow Fiji Improved, Puma Sunny, Reagents Carera, Town Talk, and many more.
    Similarly, local farmers set prices vary and are affordable, but also depends on the type. That is in the price range USD 1000 - USD 1400 for per stem.
    After talking about the chrysanthemum flower, it is time to discuss one other Nongkojajar mainstay commodities, namely apples. Inevitably, an apple is also a mainstay of farmers in commodity Nongkojajar. Apple cultivation in the area cultivated by the garden-scale farmers and entrepreneurs. Determination of regional Agro Nongkojajar as Apple has done the local government since 1991.
    Nearly all villages in the district said there Nongkojajar apple crop. Types of apples grown quite diverse local community. Among other Manalagi Apples, Rome Beauty (Apel Malang), Ana, and Apple Green.
    Usually the tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists interested in coming to Nongkojajar, in addition to typical mountain scenery, they are also interested in the culture of apple picking. Namely, a tour package provided by local farmers to pick apples directly on the plantation.
    Grebeg Memetri Sub said numbered 12 Nongkojajar with an agricultural village, the total area of 94 square kilometers. Being on the west slope of Tengger mountains, which is also a national park buffer Bromo Tengger Semeru. Can be enjoyed not only in terms of agro-tourism, but also the cultural traditions of local communities.
    Especially after reaping the harvest and trade in the local market selling lots, the village of Wonosari hold annual events with Memetri Grebeg name, which means safety.
    The purpose than this event is solely as an expression of gratitude to the Creator, especially thanks to the abundance of good fortune that has been given to the community Wonosari Village.
    Bambang Irawan, 48 years old, Wonosari village chief, said on EastJava Nongkojajar Traveler, said this celebration as an expression of gratitude Grebeg residents who mostly work as farmers and ranchers.
    "In addition to our ancestors has become a tradition village Memetri Grebeg also as a form of relationship between us and the Creator," said Bambang.
    Start the morning before the procession began Grebeg Memetri, some village officials and local people began with a special ritual slaughter of a cow's head in the village chief's house. To then paraded to the center of the village market, after which they were planted in a yard in the Village Wonosari market.
    After that, waiting for daylight arrived, citizens began to rush to prepare procession processional event. Which brings rack front row (where the offerings for the cone shaped, red). Having covered the route as far as three kilometers of the stage right in front of the guests invited, rack containing yellow rice and snacks contested by citizens, who crowded the streets that afternoon in the Village Wonosari.
    "There is a kind of trust for those who get the dish rack will get a blessing in later days," said Ahmad Zamroni, 37 years, Head Wonosari Village Market.
    Seizing rack is then completed any public attention turns to the traditional arts performances, such as jaranan, Reyog, drum band, and still many others who also accompanied the processional path.
    As pemungkas filled event with a welcome address from Dr. H. Dade Anga, SIP. Si, the Regent of Pasuruan who were present with levels Muspida Pasuruan, and also Drs. Dp Suwarno, Si, Head of Tourism Department Kabuaten Pasuruan.
    In his speech explaining Dade Anga, cultural events such as this deserves Grebeg Memetri maintained and should continue to exist, given all the success of our work effort can not be separated on the Creator and the ancestors. "Especially with the results from the existing agro-tourism in Nongkojajar which always increased every year" he said.
    Meanwhile, Drs. Dp Suwarno, Si, Head of Tourism Department said Kabuaten Pasuruan, Pasuruan we as citizens should be proud of as a calendar entry Memetri Grebeg annual event tourism in East Java. "This achievement is very supportive for Nongkojajar, let alone this area is very popular with agrowisatanya," he said.
    The party was over marked by as many as 17 times beating gongs, as well as mark the opening of public markets and several performances of traditional arts as entertainment community.
    Access to Nongkojajar The road to the location of said District Nongkojajar very easily and smoothly, with the support of rural and mountain panorama is very unique and natural. Very smooth running condition, although quite winding.
    Distance of approximately 80 kilometers from Surabaya. When the city of Malang can be reached in about a half hour drive.
    When the route of travel from the direction of Surabaya-Malang, so until the Road Purwodadi, we will see the first clue in the form of large billboard on the west side of the road with the direction of the arrow to the location. From there the site was located approximately 20 kilometers traveled by private vehicle. From the point of public transportation is also available itupula.
    After that we'll just follow the lane highway, and no need to stray. Indicate when we've got recalled Nongkojajar District, Pasuruan Regency, namely the existence of the village gateway signs in the form of writings Welcome Nongkojajar.