Potential Tsunami in Indonesia Tend to Rise

Bagus Kurniawan
Yogyakarta - Potential earthquake and tsunami in some coastal areas tends to increase Indonesia. This was indicated by the close distance of one another tsunami tsunami in recent years. It was revealed Dr Rahman Hidayat, a tsunami researcher at the Research Center for Coastal Dynamics (BPDP), Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), told reporters at Jalan Grafika, Yogyakarta, Friday (21/9/2007).

"The distance is getting shorter and the propensity nearly every year happen. Before the tsunami in Indonesia occurred on average 2.4 years," he said.

According to him, it caused a few points, especially in tsunami-prone coastal areas of western Indonesia entered a period of test. Test period with a span of tens to hundreds of years it will fall in the adjacent time.

These problems also have to be reminded by a tsunami researcher, Lorry Humbold University Dongler from the United States (U.S.) who conducted the study some time ago in Indonesia. He warned there was potential for increasing trend.

"At that time, he reminded Indonesia will enter the harvest of the earthquake and tsunami, not only can predict exactly when it happened," Rahman said Lorry imitating speech.

According to him, one point to watch out for is the area southwest coast of Sumatra, Mentawai region in particular. In this line, there are two points that have entered the earthquake over the period that occurred in 1797 and 1833 with a grace period of years antarra 200-250.

He added since the last five years BPDP and the University of Southtern California (USC) as well as several other research institutes world give serious attention to the possibility of a large earthquake centered off the northwest coast of Sumatra. Based on paleoseismic, large earthquakes in this region had occurred in 1797 and 1988 with a moment magnitude (Mw) ranges between 8,4-8,9.

"But it happened in Bengkulu, a distance of approximately 200 km north of the point that we watch out. And the big earthquake that happened yesterday could be a trigger earthquakes at this point," said researcher's birth Bengkulu.

Besides Mentawai he said, other areas that also need to watch out for is the Banggai district, in Sulawasi also had a history of great earthquakes and tsunamis. Similarly, in the southern coastal areas of Java to Banyuwangi along Pacitan also become vulnerable point.

"Because we now live in disaster-prone areas, could not help the tsunami disaster mitigation problem becomes what to do. In addition to structuring the beach, public education must continue to be the face of disaster," said Rahman. (bgs / Djo)

Zakah Amount and Due

During the life of prophet Muhammad (pbuh), several types of zakah mal had already been regulated:

  1. Zakah An'am (cattles)
  2. This includes camels, cows, bulls/oxen/buffaloes, and lambs/sheeps. Requirements: they have to have been owned for at least a whole year, shepherded on unbought grass, and not for working (ploughing or heaving cart) purposes. The amount of zakah to be paid is about 1 for every 40 camels, cows, oxen, bulls, or buffaloes; or 1 for every 100 lambs/sheeps.

  3. Zakah of gold and silver
  4. Requirements:

    they have to have been owned for at least a whole year. The nisab of gold is 85 grams, whereas of silver is 595 grams. The amount of zakah to be paid is 2.5% of the gold or silver worth.

  5. Zakah Zuru' (beans and lentils, such as rice, wheat, corn, etc)
  6. Requirements: it has to be rightfully and fully owned, planted on purpose and the amount has satisfied its nisab, remove hunger if eaten, and long lasting if stored. If the plants only rely on rains/river to water, the amount of zakah is 10% of the harvest. If the plants requires manmade irrigation, then it is only 5% of the harvest.

  7. Zakah of commercial assets
  8. Requirements: it has to have been owned for at least a year and the asset value is at least equal to 85 grams of gold. The amount of zakah to be paid is 2.5%.

  9. Zakah Ma'din (mine results)
  10. The outcomes of gold or silver mines is subject to zakah once it is discovered and its amount is more than its nisab without having to have been owned for at least a whole year.

  11. Zakah Rikaz (treasure)
  12. Zakah of treasures (buried properties) is 20% of all the discovered treasures without having to have been owned for at least a whole year.

The zakah for other properties is determined by qiyas (equivalence/analogy) to the properties that have been regulated above. For example, zakah for cash savings is analogous to the cash value of gold. One of the type of zakah that is determined by qiyas and by ulama's fatwa is zakah of profession. This is explained separately as it is the most relevant to the majority of PortalInfaq's users/contributors.

Professionals Zakah

Professionals zakah is zakah that are subjected to each employment or certain professional skills, either performed individually or with other people or bodies, that bring revenue that satisfies nisab. Examples of such professions are: doctors, consultants, solicitors, lecturers, artists, etc.

Such zakah is based on the general principle from Al-Quran, surah At-Taubah verse 103: "Take sadaqah (alms) from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it, and invoke Allah for them. Verily! Your invocations are a source of security for them; and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower"
as well as surah Al-Baqarah verse 267: "O you who believe! Spend of the good things which you have (legally) earned, and of that which We have produced from the earth for you, and do not aim at that which is bad to spend from it, (though) you would not accept it save if you close your eyes and tolerate therein. And know that Allah is Rich (Free of all needs), and Worthy of all praise".

Professionals zakah is consistent with the purpose of syariah of zakah, including to purify and grow good fortunes as well as to help mustahiq. Professionals zakah also shows just, which is the main feature of Islamic teachings. That is, the compulsary of zakah on all kinds of income and earnings.

There are two ways of determining the nisab, amount and time due for professionals zakah:

  1. Counted after a whole year
  2. The nisab of the total amount of income for a whole year is 85 grams of gold, and the amount of zakah is 2.5% of the excess of income (not including the amount spent for basic needs).

  3. Immediately when received
  4. This approach is analogous to the zakah zuru'. In this case the nisab is as low as 653 kg (kilograms) of rice, which is paid everytime income is received for 2.5% of the gross income, just as a farmer when paying the zakah of his harvest.

Recipients of Zakah

In Al-Quran surah At-Taubah verses 60, Allah said: "As-sadaqaat (here means zakah) are only for the fuqaraa (poor), and al-masaakin (poor) and those employed to collect (the funds) and to attrach the hearts of those who have been inclined (toward Islam), and to free camptives, and for those in debt, and for Allah's cause (i.e. for mujahiduun - those fighting in a holy battle) and for the wayfarer (a traveller who is cut off from everything); a duty imposed by Allah. And Allah is All-Knower, All-Wiser".

Thus, it is clear that there are eight groups (asnafs) of rightful recipients of zakah (mustahiq):

  • Fuqaraa and al-masaakin
  • The main purpose that these groups are being the recipients is to eradicate poverty and scantiness within the ummah. According to a wellknown mufassir (a person who understands the meaning of Quran) Tabari, fuqaraa means needy people but can help themselves not to beg, whereas al-masaakin means people who are needy and beg.

  • 'Amil zakah
  • The third target group is 'amil zakat, which are those who perform all the zakah administration. This includes collecting zakah, account them, and distribute them.

  • Muallaf
  • Muallaf are people whose hearts are expected to inclined to Islam or whose believe to Islam is expected to increase, or people whose bad intension to muslims is to be prevented, or people who are expected to be of benefit to or help muslims from their enemies. There are several groups of people that are qualified as muallaf:

    • People who or whose groups or family are wished to be muslims
    • People who are worried to do crime if not helped
    • People who just become muslims
    • Muslim leaders or public figures whose friends are kufur
    • Muslim leaders or public figures whose believe is not yet firmed
    • Muslims who live in fortresses or in the front of enemy line
    • Muslims who need help in enforcing the collection of zakah from reluctant people
  • Riqab (slaves)
  • There are two ways to free slaves. Firstly, is to help mukatab. Mukatab is slaves who have agreements with the master to be released once they can present certain amount of fortune. The second way is to buy slaves and then free them from their own zakah or from the collected zakah by a government.

  • Gharimun (debtor)
  • According to ibnu Humam in al-Fath, gharim are debtor who are trapped with their liabilities to fulfill basic need. Mazhab Imam Syafi'i argued that this asnafs deserve to be given zakat to pay their liabilities with some preconditions, which are: they have no wealth to pay their liabilities; they do not perform sin or illegal activities; the payment of liabilities has reached its due date. They deserve to get the amount of zakat which is as much as their liabilities. But if the creditors release them from their obligation to pay the liabilities, they have to give the share of zakat back to Islam.
    There are two groups of debtors. One is those who are in debt for their own wellbeing, such as for living cost, clothing, or treating sick people. Another group is those who are in debt in the effort to solve conflicts or to perform social obligations, such as care for orphans, provide health services for fuqaraa and orphans, etc.

  • Fi sabilillah
  • Fi sabilillah means in the path that conveys Allah's ridha in terms of aqidah or deeds. Syeh Rashid Ridha in Tafsir Al Manar explained that zakah for this asnaf can be used for the public benefit (maslahah of ummah) with regard to the establishment of aqidah of ummah.

  • Ibnu Sabil
  • According to jumhur ulama, ibnu sabil is an expression for musafir. Musafir are people who are travelling. Although an ibnu sabil has living means, he can receive zakah if he has trouble in accessing his means during travelling.

Other parties than these 8 groups are not qualified as the recipients of zakah. However, they can be recipients of infaq. Thus, the recipients of zakah are more specific than the recipients of infaq.

Definitions of Zakah, Infaq, and Shadaqah

We know zakah as one of five pillars in Islam, which in Al Quran is often linked to shalat. Etymologically, the word zaqah could mean pure, good, bless, grow, or develop. According to syariat terminology, zakah refers to wealth that has satisfied certain conditions that has been ordained by Allah to be spent and given to rightful recipients, who also have to satisfy certain conditions. The relationships among the meanings of the word zakah are clear that all properties whose zakah have been paid will be purified, cleaned, better, blessed, will grow and develop (At-Taubah:103 and Ar-Rum:39)

In principle, there are 2 types of zakat:

  • zakat-ul maal to which wealth or properties are subject to, and
  • zakat-ul fitra, which is levied on person and not on wealth. Zakat ul-fitr is mandatory for every Muslim, young, old, men, women, free and captive, and is paid in Ramadhan towards Eid-ul fitr.

Concepts and terms related to zakah include:

Person who are obliged to paid zakah because they have wealth or properties that are subject to zakah
Rightful recipients of zakah because they are included as one of those mentioned in Al-Quran as the recipients of zakah
A person or body or organisation that are specialised in managing zakah, infaq, and shadaqah
The minimal amount of wealth or properties that are subject to zakah. Wealth or properties that are less than nisab are not subject to zakah
For some kinds of wealth or properties, zakah is applied only when they are owned more than a certain period. This period is called haul.
Etimologically infaq means to spend wealth for a certain purpose. Included in this meaning is the infaq given by kafir (QS 8:36). According to syariah terms, infaq means to spend wealth for a certain purpose as guided by Islam.
The person who gives infaq
Etimologically shadaqah means correct. According to syariah terms, shadaqah means a good deed, not only but including spend some wealth/properties to and only to seek ridha from Allah swt, as an evidence of one's iman.
The person who gives shadaqah

The distinction between zakah, infaq, and shadaqah is defined as follows. Zakah and infaq always in the form of wealth or properties, whereas shadaqah is not always in the form of wealth or properties, but can also be good deeds, such as smiles, nice speech, etc. Zakah (mal) is only mandatory to those who has wealth above their means. Infaq could be mandatory to those has wealth above their means, but it could also be sunnah, which can be paid anytime by those who has wealth above their means as well as those who are not, as an evidence of people who are taqwa (QS 3:133-134).

Yusuf Islam : A' Is For Allah (alif Is For Allah) Lyrics

A' is for Allah, nothing but Allah;Ba is the beginning of Bismillah;Ta is for Taqwa, bewaring of Allah;and Tha is for Thawab, a reward;Ja is for Janna, the Garden of Paradise;Ha is for Hajj, the blessed pilgrimage;Kha is for Khaatem, the seal of the prophethood given to the Prophet, Muhammed (SAW);Da is for Deen, Al-Islam, religion with Allah since time began;Dha is for dhikr, remembering Allah;and Ra is for the month of Ramadhan, ohh Ramadhan;Za is for Zakat to pure our greed, when we give our money to those in need;Sa is for Salamu alaikum, peace be with you wa'alaikum assalam;Sha is for shams, the shining sun, which Allah placed for everyone;and Sua is for salat, for when we pray facing him, everyday, facing him, till we meet ourlord;Allah there's only one God and Muhammed is his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;Dua is for duha, the morning light, the sun has turned from red to white;Tua is for tareeq, the path to walk upon;and Dhua is for dhil, a shadow;and Aa is for ilm, the thing to know, to make our knowledge grow, in Islam;Gha is for ghaib, a world unseen and that we know is not a dream;Fa is for, the Opening, Al-Fatiha;and Qua for the Qur'an, the book of God;and Ka is for kalima, a word we're taught to teach us what is good and what is not;and La is for the beginning of La ilaha illa'allah;Ma is for the Messenger Muhammed-ur-Rasoolillah. La ilaha illa'allah, Muhammed-ur-Rasulilllah;Allah, there's only one God and Muhammed is his Messenger. Allah, la ilaha illa'allah;Na is for nawm, the sleep God gave to give us rest after the day;Ha is for the Hijra, the journey that, the Prophet made;and Wa for wudu before we pray to help us wash our sins away;and Ya for Yawm-mid-Deen;Allah, there's only one God and Muhammed is his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;Allah, there's only one God and Jesus was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;Allah, there's only one God and Moses was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;Allah, there's only one God and Abraham was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;Allah, there's only one God and Noah was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah;Allah, there's only one God and he created Adam, and we are the children of Adam. Allah,La ilaha illa'allah;Allah, there's only one God and Muhammed is his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa'allah.

Yusuf Islam : Green Fields, Golden Sands Lyrics

Green Fields and Golden Sands
Are all I need; are all I want
Let the wind blow hard, I don't mind

A small house and an olive tree,
To keep and feed my family
Let the wind blow hard, I don't mind

One day we'll all realize, I'm not the only one
Just raise your eyes up and you'll be gone,
to those

Green Fields and Golden Sands
That's all I need; that's all I want
That's all I really need
Let the wind blow hard, I don't mind

One day we'll all realize, I'm not the only one
Just raise your eyes up and you'll be gone,
to those

Green Fields and Golden Sands
That's all I need; that's all I want
That's all I need; That's all I really want

Yusuf Islam : Your Mother Lyrics

Who should I give my love to?
My respect and my honor to
Who should I pay good mind to?
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hold you
And clean you and clothes you
Who used to feed you?
And always be with you
When you were sick
Stay up all night
Holding you tight
That's right no other
Your mother (My mother)

Who should I take good care of?
Giving all my love
Who should I think most of?
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hear you
Before you could talk
Who used to hold you?
Before you could walk
And when you fell who picked you up
Clean your cut
No one but your mother
My mother

Who should I stay right close to?
Listen most to
Never say no to
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hug you
And buy you new clothes
comb your hair
And blow your nose
And when you cry
Who wiped your tears?
Knows your fears
Who really cares?
My mother

Say Alhamdulillah
Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah
For my mother.

Islamic Song Lyrics - English Translation to Ahmed Bukhatir's Arabic Anasheed

The Arabic nasheeds that are sung by Brother Ahmed Bukhatir do, masha-Allah, sound brilliant. But for many non-Arabic speaking folks out there, it's kind of frustrating not understanding what is being said... the meanings behind the actual Arabic words. An Islamic song is much more enjoyable if the words are understood and real benefit can be derived from knowing the meanings of the words which are sung.

Lyrics to Ahmed Bukhatir's Anasheed

We have compiled a list of different anasheed sung by Ahmed Bukhatir from a variety of his nasheed albums. If you click on any of the links below you will be taken directly to the English translation of that particular nasheed.

No more fretting about not understanding the Arabic nasheeds, you've got all the lyrics in front of you at your disposal. You can now enjoy listening to the popular nasheed artist Ahmed Bukhatir's Islamic Songs with actually understanding what is being said!

From the Album 'Fartaqi'

  • Lyrics to Fartaqi by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Ya Man Yara by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Ya Eid by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Kitab Allah by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Dar Al Ghoroor by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Al Hijab by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Ya Adheeman by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Talib Al Ilm by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • From the Album 'Al Qudsu Tunadeena'

  • Lyrics to Al Qudsu Tunadeena by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Taweel As Shawq by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Waqaf al Tiflu by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Ramadhan by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Zayed Al Wafaa by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • From the Album 'En Tasaf Al Layl'

  • Lyrics to Kam Tashtaki by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Lyrics to Ajaban by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • From the Album 'Samtan'

  • Lyrics to Last Breath by Ahmed Bukhatir

  • Ahmed Bukhatir's Anasheed

  • Ahmed Bukhatir's Biography

  • Al-Muallim Islamic Songs

    Al-Muallim is a compilation of some
    ground-breaking nasheeds by Sami Yusuf. It is intended to provide an Islamic
    alternative for the Muslim youth that is vibrant and enjoyable to listen to and
    is produced to the highest standards of composition, singing, sound production
    and engineering. The product is available on CD as well as audio cassette. It
    includes the following tracks:

    1. Al-Muallim

    2. Who is the Loved One?

    3. The Cave of Hira

    4. Allahu

    5. The Creator

    6. Meditation

    7. Ya Mustafa

    8. Supplication

    Sami Yusuf was born in
    July 1980. He was born into a musical family and thus music played an integral
    part in his life. Sami̢۪s initial training came from his father, who is an
    internationally renowned composer, poet, and a multi-talented musician. Sami
    learnt to play many instruments at a very young age and gradually began to show
    a keen interest in singing and composing. At the age of eighteen, he obtained a
    scholarship to study composition at the Royal Academy of Music in London, one of
    the world̢۪s most prestigious music institutions. Sami has been composing from a
    very young age and his beautiful voice is supplemented by his extensive
    knowledge of notes and harmonies. He also has a good understanding of music
    theory and the Middle Eastern modes (or Maqams) and solfeggio. Indeed, it is
    rare to find a person who has all these talents. Sami is also a devout
    practicing Muslim who sees songs as a means of promoting the message of Islam
    and encouraging the youth to be proud of their religion and identity.

    Setting Up FTP server on FreeBsd or Linux

    The original of this article you can find here.

    The FTP service is simple to use and administer, which is why it is a good idea to begin with this step when configuring an Internet server. Chances are that your Linux installation already contains a functioning copy of an FTP server. The main steps of setting up an FTP server are as follows:

  • Installing the software
  • Configuring the Internet superserver
  • Configuring the FTP directories
  • Managing the server

    Server Installation

    FTP servers usually come in the form of a single executable program, one that goes by names such as ftpd, in.ftpd, or something similar. It is typically located in the /sbin or /usr/sbin directory. On my test system, the FTP server was one of the components installed during the initial system setup. Caldera OpenLinux comes with one of the most commonly used FTP servers, developed at the University of Washington. This server's executable file is named in.ftpd and it is located in /usr/sbin/. Once installed, the FTP server provides access to files by users who have an account on your system. These users will be able to access the same files that they normally have access to, for instance when they log on to the system interactively. In other words, if you log on to a remote system via FTP using your username and password on that system, you'll be able to access files in your home directory for reading and writing. You might also be able to read (download) other files that you normally have read access to on that system.

    Configuring the Internet Superserver

    Placing the FTP server executable on your computer is not sufficient by itself to provide FTP access. For this, you must also ensure that the FTP server is invoked when an incoming request arrives. Such incoming requests come in the form of connections to TCP port 21, the port reserved for FTP access. The standard method for invoking a server is through inetd, the Internet superserver. This server is configured through the file /etc/inetd.conf. On my test system, the Caldera OpenLinux installer placed the following entry in /etc/inetd.conf:

    ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd in.ftpd -l -a

    The two command-line switches used install the server to log entries to the system log ( -l) and to use the ftpaccess file. This file is optional; if it exists, the FTP server uses it to establish configuration options. For more information, read the manual page ( man ftpaccess .)

    Configuring Anonymous Access

    When a regular user logs on to the system via FTP, all the access privileges that normally apply to this user ID remain in effect throughout the FTP session. The user can retrieve any file or execute arbitrary commands on the system. In contrast, anonymous users cannot be allowed such a privilege. Unlike regular users who are trusted (why else would they have a password on your system?), anonymous users could turn out to be hostile intruders. As a result, their access must be limited to the downloading of publicly accessible files and optionally uploading files to public directories. In order for an FTP server to provide anonymous access, it is necessary to have a user account named ftp on your system. This user account is never used for interactive login, and does not require a valid password. However, when an anonymous FTP user connects to your system, the FTP server will use this account's access permissions for accessing files. Furthermore, anonymous users only see files that are located in the home directory associated with the ftp user ID. In addition to files anonymous users can download, this directory also contains special versions of commands such as ls, and a special copy of the etc directory. During an anonymous session, the FTP server uses the ftp home directory as its root directory; in other words, it can only see these copies of executable commands and files from /etc, not the originals. This prevents an anonymous user from accessing the real version of /etc/passwd (conceivably obtaining a copy of all your encrypted passwords if you're not using the shadow password suite; see Chapter 4, for more information) or executing other commands and exploiting them for security leaks. Most Linux distributions establish the ftp user ID and create its home directory during initial system installation. My test system is no exception: The ftp user ID and home directory were created by the Caldera OpenLinux installer. The file /etc/passwd contains the following entry:

    ftp:x:14:50:FTP User:/home/ftp:

    In /home/ftp, I found the following files and directories:

    /home/ftp/bin/zcat -> gzip

    The presence of the tar and gzip utilities allows the FTP server to provide the contents of an entire directory in a single transaction. With the tar command the files are combined into an archive, and then optionally compressed using gzip. These commands are explained in detail in Chapter 17, "Backups." As you can see, the pub directory is currently empty. Usually, files that can be downloaded by anyone are placed in this directory.

    FTP Server Management

    Once your FTP server is up and running, it requires very little attention. However, you may still want to monitor it from time to time to ensure proper operation and prevent abuse attempts. The principal means of monitoring server activity is through the transfer log file. This file, usually /var/log/xferlog, contains an entry for each successfully completed file transfer. The server also logs important messages to the standard system log. On most systems, these entries will end up in /var/log/messages.
  • Tips and tric on freebsd

    Here are some tips for freebsd users..

    Having trouble using fetch through a firewall? Try setting the environment
    variable FTP_PASSIVE_MODE to yes, and see fetch(3) for more details.
    By pressing “Scroll Lock” you can use the arrow keys to scroll backward
    through the console output. Press “Scroll Lock” again to turn it off.
    Want colour in your directory listings? Use “ls -G”. “ls -F” is also useful,
    and they can be combined as “ls -FG”.
    If you need to ask a question on the FreeBSD-questions mailing list then


    contains lots of useful advice to help you get the best results.
    If you’d like to keep track of applications in the FreeBSD ports tree, take a
    look at FreshPorts;

    To search for files that match a particular name, use find(1); for example

    find / -name “*GENERIC*” -ls

    will search ‘/’, and all subdirectories, for files with ‘GENERIC’ in the name.
    – Stephen Hilton
    In tcsh, you can `set autolist’ to have the shell automatically show
    all the possible matches when doing filename/directory expansion.
    You can `set autologout = 30′ to have tcsh log you off automatically
    if you leave the shell idle for more than 30 minutes.
    If you `set filec’ (file completion) in tcsh and write a part of the
    filename, pressing TAB will show you the available choices when there
    is more than one, or complete the filename if there’s only one match.
    You can press up-arrow or down-arrow to walk through a list of
    previous commands in tcsh.
    You can disable tcsh’s terminal beep if you `set nobeep’.
    If you `set watch = (0 any any)’ in tcsh, you will be notified when
    someone logs in or out of your system.

    Nice tcsh prompt: set prompt = ‘%m %# ‘
    Nice tcsh prompt: set prompt = ‘%n@%m%# ‘
    Nice tcsh prompt: set prompt = ‘%n@%m:%~%# ‘
    Nice tcsh prompt: set prompt = ‘%n@%m:%/%# ‘
    Nice tcsh prompt: set prompt = ‘[%B%m%b] %B%~%b%# ‘
    Simple tcsh prompt: set prompt = ‘%# ‘
    If you want df(1) and other commands to display disk sizes in
    kilobytes instead of 512-byte blocks, set BLOCKSIZE in your
    environment to ‘K’. You can also use ‘M’ for Megabytes or ‘G’ for
    Gigabytes. If you want df(1) to automatically select the best size
    then use ‘df -h’.
    To change an environment variable in tcsh you use: setenv NAME “value”
    where NAME is the name of the variable and “value” its new value.
    To change an environment variable in /bin/sh use:

    $ VARIABLE=”value”
    $ export VARIABLE
    You can use /etc/make.conf to control the options used to compile software
    on this system. Example entries are in
    To do a fast search for a file, try

    locate filename

    locate uses a database that is updated every Saturday (assuming your computer
    is running FreeBSD at the time) to quickly find files based on name only.
    In order to search for a string in some files, use ‘grep’ like this:

    grep “string” filename1 [filename2 filename3 ...]

    This will print out the lines in the files that contain the string. grep can
    also do a lot more advanced searches - type ‘man grep’ for details.
    You can use the ‘fetch’ command to retrieve files over ftp or http.

    fetch http://www.freebsd.org/index.html

    will download the front page of the FreeBSD web site.
    In order to make fetch (the FreeBSD downloading tool) ask for
    username/password when it encounters a password-protected web page, you can set
    the environment variable HTTP_AUTH to ‘basic:*’.
    You can permanently set environment variables for your shell by putting them
    in a startup file for the shell. The name of the startup file varies
    depending on the shell - csh and tcsh uses .login, bash, sh, ksh and zsh use
    .profile. When using bash, sh, ksh or zsh, don’t forget to export the
    If you are running xterm, the default TERM variable will be ‘xterm’. If you
    set this environment variable to ‘xterm-color’ instead, a lot of programs will
    use colors. You can do this by

    TERM=xterm-color; export TERM

    in Bourne-derived shells, and

    setenv TERM xterm-color

    in csh-derived shells.
    If you do not want to get beeps in X11 (X Windows), you can turn them off with

    xset b off
    You can look through a file in a nice text-based interface by typing

    less filename
    The default editor in FreeBSD is vi, which is efficient to use when you have
    learned it, but somewhat user-unfriendly. To use ee (an easier but less
    powerful editor) instead, set the environment variable EDITOR to /usr/bin/ee
    If you accidentally end up inside vi, you can quit it by pressing Escape, colon
    (:), q (q), bang (!) and pressing return.
    You can use aliases to decrease the amount of typing you need to do to get
    commands you commonly use. Examples of fairly popular aliases include (in
    Bourne shell style, as in /bin/sh, bash, ksh, and zsh):

    alias lf=”ls -FA”
    alias ll=”ls -lA”
    alias su=”su -m”

    In csh or tcsh, these would be

    alias lf ls -FA
    alias ll ls -lA
    alias su su -m

    To remove an alias, you can usually use ‘unalias aliasname’. To list all
    aliases, you can usually type just ‘alias’.
    In order to support national characters for European languages in tools like
    less without creating other nationalisation aspects, set the environment
    variable LC_ALL to ‘en_US.ISO8859-1′.
    You can search for documentation on a keyword by typing

    apropos keyword
    Man pages are divided into section depending on topic. There are 9 different
    sections numbered from 1 (General Commands) to 9 (Kernel Developer’s Manual).
    You can get an introduction to each topic by typing

    man intro

    In other words, to get the intro to general commands, type

    man 1 intro
    FreeBSD is started up by the program ‘init’. The first thing init does when
    starting multiuser mode (ie, starting the computer up for normal use) is to
    run the shell script /etc/rc. By reading /etc/rc, you can learn a lot about
    how the system is put together, which again will make you more confident about
    what happens when you do something with it.
    If you want to play CDs with FreeBSD, a utility for this is already included.
    Type ‘cdcontrol’ then ‘help’ to learn more. (You may need to set the CDROM
    environment variable in order to make cdcontrol want to start.)
    If you have a CD-ROM drive in your machine, you can make the CD-ROM that is
    presently inserted available by typing ‘mount /cdrom’ as root. The CD-ROM
    will be available under /cdrom/. Remember to do ‘umount /cdrom’ before
    removing the CD-ROM (it will usually not be possible to remove the CD-ROM
    without doing this.)

    Note: This tip may not work in all configurations.
    You can install extra packages for FreeBSD by using the ports system.
    If you have installed it, you can download, compile, and install software by
    just typing

    # cd /usr/ports//
    # make install && make clean

    as root. The ports infrastructure will download the software, change it so
    it works on FreeBSD, compile it, install it, register the installation so it
    will be possible to automatically uninstall it, and clean out the temporary
    working space it used. You can remove an installed port you decide you do not
    want after all by typing

    # cd /usr/ports//
    # make deinstall

    as root.
    Nice bash prompt: PS1=’([$(tput md)]t [$(tput me)]) $(echo $?) $ ‘
    – Mathieu
    To see the output from when your computer started, run dmesg(8). If it has
    been replaced with other messages, look at /var/run/dmesg.boot.
    – Francisco Reyes
    You can use “whereis” to locate standard binary, manual page and source
    directories for the specified programs. This can be particularly handy
    when you are trying to find where in the ports tree an application is.

    Try “whereis netscape” and “whereis whereis”.
    – Konstantinos Konstantinidis
    You can press Ctrl-D to quickly exit from a shell, or logout from a
    login shell.
    – Konstantinos Konstantinidis
    You can use “pkg_info” to see a list of packages you have installed.
    – Konstantinos Konstantinidis
    You can change the video mode on all consoles by adding something like
    the following to /etc/rc.conf:


    You can use “vidcontrol -i mode | grep T” for a list of supported text
    – Konstantinos Konstantinidis
    Any user that is a member of the wheel group can use “su -” to simulate
    a root login. You can add a user to the wheel group by editing /etc/group.
    – Konstantinos Konstantinidis
    Over quota? “du -s * | sort -n ” will give you a sorted list of your
    directory sizes.
    – David Scheidt
    Handy bash(1) prompt: PS1=”u@h w !$ ”
    – David Scheidt
    Ever wonder what those numbers after command names were, as in cat(1)? It’s
    the section of the manual the man page is in. “man man” will tell you more.
    – David Scheidt
    “man hier” will explain the way FreeBSD filesystems are normally laid out.
    – David Scheidt
    “man tuning” gives some tips how to tune performance of your FreeBSD system.
    – David Scheidt
    “man firewall” will give advice for building a FreeBSD firewall
    – David Scheidt
    You can often get answers to your questions about FreeBSD by searching in the
    FreeBSD mailing list archives at

    You can adjust the volume of various parts of the sound system in your
    computer by typing ‘mixer ‘. To get a list of what you can
    adjust, just type ‘mixer’.
    You can automatically download and install binary packages by doing

    pkg_add -r

    where you replace with the URL to the package. This will also
    automatically install the packages the package you download is dependent on
    (ie, the packages it needs in order to work.)
    You can get a good standard workstation install by using the
    instant-workstation port/package. If you have ports installed, you can
    install it by doing

    # cd /usr/ports/misc/instant-workstation
    # make install && make clean

    as root. This will install a collection of packages that is convenient to
    have on a workstation.
    You can get a good generic server install by using the
    instant-server port/package. If you have ports installed, you can
    install it by doing

    # cd /usr/ports/misc/instant-server
    # make install && make clean

    as root. This will install a collection of packages that is appropriate for
    running a “generic” server.
    You can make a log of your terminal session with script(1).
    “man ports” gives many useful hints about installing FreeBSD ports.
    “man security” gives very good advice on how to tune the security of your
    FreeBSD system.
    Want to find a specific port, just type the following under /usr/ports,
    or one its subdirectories:

    “make search name=”
    “make search key=”
    Want to see how much virtual memory you’re using? Just type “swapinfo” to
    be shown information about the usage of your swap partitions.
    ports/net/netcat port is useful not only for redirecting input/output
    to TCP or UDP connections, but also for proxying them. See inetd(8) for
    If other operating systems have damaged your Master Boot Record, you can
    reinstall it either with /stand/sysinstall or with boot0cfg(8). See
    “man boot0cfg” for details.
    Need to see the calendar for this month? Simply type “cal”. To see the
    whole year, type “cal -y”.
    – Dru
    Need to quickly return to your home directory? Type “cd”.
    – Dru
    To see the last time that you logged in, use lastlogin(8).
    – Dru
    To clear the screen, use “clear”. To re-display your screen buffer, press
    the scroll lock key and use your page up button. When you’re finished,
    press the scroll lock key again to get your prompt back.
    – Dru
    To save disk space in your home directory, compress files you rarely
    use with “gzip filename”.
    – Dru
    To read a compressed file without having to first uncompress it, use
    “zcat” or “zmore” to view it.
    – Dru
    To see how much disk space is left on your partitions, use

    df -h
    – Dru
    To see the 10 largest files on a directory or partition, use

    du /partition_or_directory_name | sort -rn | head
    – Dru
    To determine whether a file is a text file, executable, or some other type
    of file, use

    file filename
    – Dru
    Time to change your password? Type “passwd” and follow the prompts.
    – Dru
    Want to know how many words, lines, or bytes are contained in a file? Type
    “wc filename”.
    – Dru
    Need to print a manpage? Use

    man name_of_manpage | col -bx | lpr
    – Dru
    Need to remove all those ^M characters from a DOS file? Try

    tr -d
    <> newfile
    – Originally by Dru
    Forget what directory you are in? Type “pwd”.
    – Dru
    If you are in the C shell and have just installed a new program, you won’t
    be able to run it unless you first type “rehash”.
    – Dru
    Need to leave your terminal for a few minutes and don’t want to logout?
    Use “lock -p”. When you return, use your password as the key to unlock the
    – Dru
    Need to find the location of a program? Use “locate program_name”.
    – Dru
    Forget how to spell a word or a variation of a word? Use

    look portion_of_word_you_know
    – Dru
    To see the last 10 lines of a long file, use “tail filename”. To see the
    first 10 lines, use “head filename”.
    – Dru
    To see how long it takes a command to run, type the word “time” before the
    command name.
    – Dru
    To quickly create an empty file, use “touch filename”.
    – Dru
    To find out the hostname associated with an IP address, use

    dig -x IP_address
    – Dru
    If you use the C shell, add the following line to the .cshrc file in your
    home directory to prevent core files from being written to disk:

    limit coredumpsize 0
    – Dru
    If you need a reminder to leave your terminal, type “leave +hhmm” where
    “hhmm” represents in how many hours and minutes you need to leave.
    – Dru
    Need to do a search in a manpage or in a file you’ve sent to a pager? Use
    “/search_word”. To repeat the same search, type “n” for next.
    – Dru
    Forget when Easter is? Try “ncal -e”. If you need the date for Orthodox
    Easter, use “ncal -o” instead.
    – Dru
    Need to see your routing table? Type “netstat -rn”. The entry with the G
    flag is your gateway.
    – Dru
    Need to see which daemons are listening for connection requests? Use
    “sockstat -4l” for IPv4, and “sockstat -l” for IPv4 and IPv6.
    – Dru
    Can’t remember if you’ve installed a certain port or not? Try “pkg_info
    -Ix port_name”.
    To erase a line you’ve written at the command prompt, use “Ctrl-U”.
    – Dru
    To repeat the last command in the C shell, type “!!”.
    – Dru
    Need to quickly empty a file? Use “: > filename”.
    – Dru
    To see all of the directories on your FreeBSD system, type

    ls -R / | more
    – Dru
    To see the IP addresses currently set on your active interfaces, type
    “ifconfig -u”.
    – Dru
    To see the MAC addresses of the NICs on your system, type

    ifconfig -a
    – Dru
    You can open up a new split-screen window in (n)vi with :N or :E and then
    use ^w to switch between the two.
    sh (the default Bourne shell in FreeBSD) supports command-line editing. Just
    “set -o emacs” or “set -o vi” to enable it.
    When you’ve made modifications to a file in vi(1) and then find that
    you can’t write it, type “!rm -f %” then “:w!” to force the

    This won’t work if you don’t have write permissions to the directory
    and probably won’t be suitable if you’re editing through a symbolic link.
    If you want to quickly check for duplicate package/port installations,
    try the following pkg_info command.

    pkg_info | sort | sed -e ’s/-[0-9].*$//’ |
    uniq -c | grep -v ‘^[[:space:]]*1′
    Want to use sed(1) to edit a file in place? Well, to replace every ‘e’ with
    an ‘o’, in a file named ‘foo’, you can do:

    sed -i.bak s/e/o/g foo

    And you’ll get a backup of the original in a file named ‘foo.bak’, but if you
    want no backup:

    sed -i ” s/e/o/g foo
    To obtain a neat PostScript rendering of a manual page, use “-t” switch
    of the man(1) utility: “man -t ”. For example:

    man -t grep > grep.ps # Save the PostScript version to a file
    man -t printf | lp # Send the PostScript directly to printer

    FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT

    1 Introduction

    This distribution is a snapshot of FreeBSD 8.0-CURRENT, the latest point along the 8-CURRENT branch.
    1.1 About FreeBSD

    FreeBSD is an operating system based on 4.4 BSD Lite for AMD64 and Intel EM64T based PC hardware (amd64), Intel, AMD, Cyrix or NexGen “x86” based PC hardware (i386), Intel Itanium Processor based computers (ia64), NEC PC-9801/9821 series PCs and compatibles (pc98), and UltraSPARC® machines (sparc64). Versions for the ARM® (arm), MIPS® (mips), and PowerPC® (powerpc) architectures are currently under development as well. FreeBSD works with a wide variety of peripherals and configurations and can be used for everything from software development to games to Internet Service Provision.

    This release of FreeBSD contains everything you need to run such a system, including full source code for the kernel and all utilities in the base distribution. With the source distribution installed, you can literally recompile the entire system from scratch with one command, making it ideal for students, researchers, or users who simply want to see how it all works.

    A large collection of third-party ported software (the “Ports Collection”) is also provided to make it easy to obtain and install all your favorite traditional UNIX® utilities for FreeBSD. Each “port” consists of a set of scripts to retrieve, configure, build, and install a piece of software, with a single command. Over 20,000 ports, from editors to programming languages to graphical applications, make FreeBSD a powerful and comprehensive operating environment that extends far beyond what's provided by many commercial versions of UNIX. Most ports are also available as pre-compiled “packages”, which can be quickly installed from the installation program.
    1.2 Target Audience

    This snapshot is aimed primarily at early adopters and various other users who want to get involved with the ongoing development of FreeBSD. While the FreeBSD development team tries its best to ensure that each snapshot works as advertised, 8-CURRENT is very much a work-in-progress.

    The basic requirements for using this snapshot are technical proficiency with FreeBSD and an understanding of the ongoing development process of FreeBSD 8-CURRENT (as discussed on the FreeBSD-CURRENT mailing list).

    For those more interested in doing business with FreeBSD than in experimenting with new FreeBSD technology, formal releases (such as 7.0-RELEASE) are frequently more appropriate. Releases undergo a period of testing and quality assurance checking to ensure high reliability and dependability.

    Seether - Remedy

    Throw your dollar bills and leave your thrills all here with me
    And speak but don't pretend I won't defend you anymore you see
    It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for you
    My eyes don't need to see that ugly thing, I know it's me you fear
    If you want me hold me back

    Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
    And so we go back to the remedy
    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
    And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

    I don't need a friend, I need to mend so far away
    So come sit by the fire and play a while, but you can't stay too long
    It aches in every bone, I'll die alone, but not for pleasure
    I see my heart explode, it's been eroded by the weather here
    If you want me hold me back

    Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
    And so we go back to the remedy
    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
    And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"
    Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
    And so we go back to the remedy
    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
    And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

    Hold your eyes closed, take me in
    Hold your eyes closed, take me in

    Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
    And so we go back to the remedy
    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
    And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"
    Frail, the skin is dry and pale, the pain will never fail
    And so we go back to the remedy
    Clip the wings that get you high, just leave them where they lie
    And tell yourself, "You'll be the death of me"

    Seether - Breakdown

    The sun is gone and the flowers rot
    Words are spaces between us
    And I should've been drowned in the rivers I've found of token lust
    And I should've been down when you made me insecure

    So break me down if it makes you feel right
    And hate me now if it keeps you alright
    You can't break me down if it takes all your might
    'cause I'm so much more than meets the eye

    And I'm the one you can never trust
    'cause wounds are ways to reveal us
    And yeah I could have tried and devoted my life to both of us
    But what a waste of my time when the world we have is yours

    So break me down if it makes you feel right
    And hate me now if it keeps you alright
    You can't break me down if it takes all your might
    'cause I'm so much more than all your lies

    Hate me, break me down
    So break me down
    So break me down
    So break me down if it makes you feel right
    And hate me now if it keeps you alright
    You can't break me down if it takes all your might
    'cause I'm so much more than meets the eye

    Seether - The Gift

    Hold me now I need to feel relief
    Like I never wanted anything
    I suppose I'll let this go and find a reason I'll hold on to
    I'm so ashamed of defeat
    And I'm out of reason to believe in me
    I'm out of trying to get by

    I'm so afraid of the gift you give me
    I don't belong here and I'm not well
    I'm so ashamed of the lie I'm living
    Right on the wrong side of it all

    I can't face myself when I wake up
    And look inside a mirror
    I'm so ashamed of that thing
    I suppose I'll let it go
    Untill I have something more to say for me
    I'm so afraid of defeat
    And I'm out of reason to believe in me
    I'm out of trying to defy

    I'm so afraid of the gift you give me
    I don't belong here and I'm not well
    I'm so ashamed of the lie I'm living
    Right on the wrong side of it all

    Hold me now I need to feel complete
    Like I matter to the one I need

    I'm so afraid of the gift you give me
    I don't belong here and I'm not well
    I'm so ashamed of the lie I'm living
    Right on the wrong side of it all

    Now I'm ashamed of this
    I am so ashamed of this
    Now I'm so ashamed of this
    I am so ashamed of me...

    Seether - Fine Again

    It seems like every day’s the same
    and I’m left to discover on my own
    It seems like everything is gray
    and there’s no color to behold
    They say it’s over and I’m fine again, yeah
    Try to stay sober feels like I’m dying here

    And I am aware now of how
    everything’s gonna be fine one day
    Too late, I’m in hell I am prepared now,
    seems everyone’s gonna be fine
    One day too late, just as well

    I feel the dream in me expire
    and there’s no one left to blame it on
    I hear you label me a liar
    ‘cause I can’t seem to get this through
    You say it’s over, I can sigh again, yeah
    Why try to stay sober when I’m dying here

    And I am aware now of how
    everything’s gonna be fine one day
    Too late, I’m in hell
    I am prepared now,
    seems everyone’s gonna be fine
    One day too late; just as well

    And I’m not scared now.
    I must assure you,
    you’re never gonna get away
    And I’m not scared now.
    And I’m not scared now. No…

    I am aware now of how
    everything’s gonna be fine one day
    Too late, I’m in hell
    I am prepared now
    seems everyone’s gonna be fine
    One day too late, just as well
    I am prepared now,
    seems everything’s gonna be fine for me
    For me; for myself.
    For me, for me, for myself
    For me, for me, for myself

    How do I make my business more innovative?

    Innovation is not just about inventions. It's about new ideas and responding to new trends and market conditions, or improving existing products and services.

    If you have an innovative idea for your new business, there are many steps involved in developing and protecting that idea. For information on policy and programs that can assist you and your business, visit the Innovation page on the Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research website.

    Make Your Business Search Smart

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    So how does one survive in business today? By having business search smarts.

    A Growing Business Skill

    The fast-growing skill of the business professional is and will continue to be the use of knowledge. This translates into the ability to find and use critical information to make the best business decisions. If you or someone on your staff is not savvy enough to search for business information and put it to use than your business will be out maneuvered and out of business.

    In the last decade, we have gone from having too little information at a high cost to too much information at a low cost. The price of data was extremely expensive.

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    Business Search Smart Skills

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    How do life insurance agencies make their profit?

    Monica Sandler asked:

    I have a few questions here and thanks in advance.

    Can anyone please explain how do life insurance agencies (or financial advisory agencies) make their profit?

    Is that true that the life insurance companies are paying around 100% of total first year premium to the agents? How do the agencies split that with the agents?

    I would appreciate if you can throw in some numbers, since i am looking to invest some angel capital into an agency, so you would help if you give numbers.